Club Sports

Currently, Carroll offers five club sports. Club Sports provide students the opportunity to practice, play, travel, host and participate in team competition against club teams from other institutions. Each club is formed, developed, governed and administered by the student membership of that particular sport club, working in conjunction with RecSports administration.  Meaningful take-aways include student leadership, remaining competitive, continuing participation in a sport you love, and healthy involvement.  Less competitive than intercollegiate athletics, but more-so than intramurals, Club Sports provide the perfect opportunity for former high school athletes who want to keep competing.

women's club volleyball team
Carroll currently offers five club sports—two men's, two women's and one coed.
feet running up a basketball court

Enhance Your Collegiate Experience

Club Sports provide an opportunity for a well-rounded college experience through physical, social and leadership development.

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Learn Moreabout RecSports

Panoramic View of campus